In this section you'll find information regarding the people, culture, and physical plant of our company. If you want to know where we're located, our hours of business, or simply what makes us tick, just follow the provided links for more information.
It's extremely important to us that our clients know whom they're doing business with. Once you take the time to find out what we're all about, we're confident you'll like what you see.
History of The Webb Company
The Webb Company was founded in 1919 by Oscar Webb. In 1964 Mr. Webb sold a portion of his ownership to Mr. Wilbur Thompson. Joint ownership continued until early 1967 when Mr. Webb passed away. Mr. Thompson retained sole ownership of The Webb Company until his death in November of 1996. Ownership passed to his wife, Margaret Thompson. Mrs. Thompson sold her interest in The Webb Company in March 2006 to the current owners.
Over the years the sole purpose of The Webb Company is to provide fine quality engraving, printing and customer service throughout the Washington Metropolitan area with pride. It is a purpose that the current owners will continue and maintain.